What is a 0% credit card and how does it work? Are they a good idea and can they have a legitimate place within a broader financial plan? Financial planners tend to encourage clients away from credit cards because the interest payments can be very punitive – eroding your income and undermining your progress…
When, exactly, should you start that next exciting stage of life – retirement? This is a very personal, often complex decision influenced by many factors. Indeed, there is no single form of retirement. It can look different from person to person. Below, our financial planners in Padiham offer some ideas…
Suppose you suddenly find yourself with a cash windfall – possibly from an inheritance or from selling your stake in a business. If you want to invest the money, how should you do this? In particular, is it best to invest everything at once; or, “drip feed” it gradually into a portfolio? There are pros and cons…
A lot of attention is given to people who want to build a financial plan for their estate. Yet what about those who potentially stand to inherit it (the “beneficiaries”)? Receiving a large sum of money and/or valuable assets could be transformative to your finances if used prudently. However, without planning…
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