
Savings & Investments

What is a good diversification ratio?

By | Savings & Investments | No Comments

Many people are aware that it is a good idea to invest in a range of assets (e.g. cash, equities and bonds). Yet what, exactly, should the balance be not only between them – but within them. After all, there are many currencies, companies and governments which one could invest in. All of them hold different risks and potential for returns depending on the time and circumstances. In this guide…

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How might negative interest rates affect investors?

By | Savings & Investments | No Comments

If you’ve never heard of negative interest rates before, you’re not alone. For many years, such an idea has remained exactly that amongst economists – an idea which could work in theory, but perhaps not in practice (similar to how scientists typically regard faster-than-light travel). Yet the idea of negative interest rates has recently been tried by economies such as Sweden, Japan and even the European Central Bank (ECB)…

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Diversification: a short guide to investing

By | Savings & Investments | No Comments

If you’re wondering how to start investing or develop your portfolio, then at some point you will hear about diversification. In simple terms, this refers to the practice of spreading out your investments across many different markets and asset types. Rather than putting all of your eggs in one basket (e.g. by investing all your capital in one stock), this approach helps you to mitigate unnecessary risks.

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How should dividends feature in a portfolio in 2020?

By | Savings & Investments | No Comments

This content is for information and inspiration purposes only. It should not be taken as financial or investment advice. To receive personalised, regulated financial advice please consult us here at Elmfield Financial Planning in Padiham, Burnley, Lancashire. In the low-yield environment if 2019, it was commonly thought that it was hard to generate an income from an investment portfolio –…

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